
Java codegen for the IHE ITI profiles

View the Project on GitHub rahulsom/ihe-iti

Welcome to IHE-ITI.

This project aims to make it simpler for teams using java & other jvm languages to build stuff based on IHE's IT Infrastructure profiles.

To write a client, this is all you need.

If you want to build a server, you need to know enough about CXF or Metro; and use this for your interfaces. Example using CXF can be found here.

Writing a client

Here's a working XDS.b Document Repository client:


import ihe.iti.xds_b._2007.*
import javax.xml.ws.*
import javax.xml.ws.soap.*

def wsdl = this.class.getResource('/iti/wsdl/XDS.b_DocumentRepository.wsdl')
Service service = new DocumentRepositoryService(wsdl)
def port = service.getDocumentRepositoryPortSoap12(
    new AddressingFeature(true, true),
    new MTOMFeature(true),
    new RespectBindingFeature(true)
BindingProvider bp = port

bp.requestContext[BindingProvider.ENDPOINT_ADDRESS_PROPERTY] =

def request = new RetrieveDocumentSetRequestType().
        new RetrieveDocumentSetRequestType.DocumentRequest().

println "Request created"

Executing asynchronously with a Response<ReturnType>

def response = port.documentRepositoryRetrieveDocumentSetAsync(request)
println "response<...> executed"
println "response<...> complete: ${response.get().registryResponse.status}"

Executing asynchronously with a AsyncHandler<ReturnType>

def future = port.documentRepositoryRetrieveDocumentSetAsync(request, new AsyncHandler<RetrieveDocumentSetResponseType>() {
  void handleResponse(Response<RetrieveDocumentSetResponseType> res) {
    println "future<...> returned: ${res.get().registryResponse.status}"
println "future<...> executed"
println "future<...> complete: ${future.get().registryResponse.status}"

Executing synchronously like normal people do

def resp = port.documentRepositoryRetrieveDocumentSet(request)
println "Sync returned: ${resp.registryResponse.status}"

Please note that it is preferred to use the async methods in client code for performance reasons.

Authors and Contributors

Rahul Somasunderam (@rahulsom)

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